Exodus Home Care Agency aims to promote the dignity and self-worth of our service users in the comfort of their own homes.
Exodus Home Care Agency is based in North West London and provides a variety of Home Care Services to most parts of Central, West and North London.
Under statutory regulations and the policy of Exodus Home Care Agency Ltd, all prospective service users are involved in pre-commencement assessments, which allows us to determine the needs and risks of our service users. The process in which these assessments are undertaken are appropriate to the needs of the individual service users and their views and also take the views of their relatives into account.
We aim to ensure that the care plans set out for our service users are individually catered to suit the requirements brought forward by our service users. The service we provide to our service users are based around the person-centred approach, which focuses on the need to allow service users and their families to remain at the center of care plan development and the delivery of services.
As a London Home Care Agency our Home Care Services are primarily centered around adults and elderly care at home and includes the following services:
Personal Care.
Night sleep in service.
Working night-duty.
Live – in care.
Trips out of the house.
Getting in and out of bed.
Hospital discharge help.
Preparation of meals.
Help with the taking of medication
Domestic and general support.
Respite care.
Day companionship service.
Palliative care.
Typical Clients – We provide support for a variety of clients including:
Elderly people (over 65 years)
People discharged from hospital
Adults with physical and learning disabilities
People with mental health problems
People with dementia
People with terminal illness