Business type
Short Business Description
-Highland Care Agency Ltd
-One of the fast growing nursing and care Agency a lot of shifts available
-Free training for 4 days in moving and handling, person centred care, catheter care and many more
-very good rates of pay
- very friendly office staff
-you will be given all the information you need to start work
-registration with other external organisations such as sssc / pvg will be a must
-One of the fast growing nursing and care Agency a lot of shifts available
-Free training for 4 days in moving and handling, person centred care, catheter care and many more
-very good rates of pay
- very friendly office staff
-you will be given all the information you need to start work
-registration with other external organisations such as sssc / pvg will be a must
Long Business Description
Highland Care Agency Ltd - Temporary staff for care settings